A reminder that our Basic membership allows single club access to the home club of your choice.
Select a location
Albany - Albany, Auckland
Ashburton - Ashburton
Birkenhead - Birkenhead, Auckland
Blenheim - Mayfield, Blenheim
Botany - East Tamaki, Auckland
Burnside - Burnside, Christchurch
Cambridge - Waipa, Cambridge
Ferrymead - Simplicity - Ferrymead, Christchurch
Fraser Cove - Tauranga South, Tauranga
Hamilton - Te Rapa, Hamilton
Hastings - Hawkes Bay
Henderson - Henderson, Auckland
Hereford Street - Central City, Christchurch
Invercargill - Invercargill
K Road - Eden Terrace, Auckland
Kakano - Simplicity - Westgate, Auckland
Kapiti - Kapiti Coast
Lower Hutt - Lower Hutt, Wellington
Lower Hutt - Simplicity - Lower Hutt
Lunn Ave - Simplicity - Mount Wellington, Auckland
Lyall Bay - Rongotai, Wellington
Manurewa - Manurewa, Auckland
Masterton - Masterton
Milford - Milford, Auckland
Moorhouse - Sydenham, Christchurch
Mount Wellington - Mt. Wellington, Auckland
Napier - Ahuriri, Hawkes Bay
Nelson - Annesbrook, Nelson
Nelson CBD - Nelson
New Plymouth - New Plymouth
New Plymouth - Simplicity - New Plymouth
Newlands - Newlands, Wellington
Newmarket - Newmarket, Auckland
Northwood - Belfast, Christchurch
Ormiston - Ormiston, Auckland
Palmerston North - Kelvin Grove
Palmerston North - Pitt St.
Papatoetoe - Papatoetoe, Auckland
Petone - Lower Hutt, Wellington
Porirua - Porirua
Queen Street - Auckland
Rangiora - Rangiora
Rolleston - Christchurch
Ruakura - Enderley, Hamilton
St Lukes - St Lukes, Auckland
Takanini - Takanini, Auckland
The Palms - Christchurch
Thorndon - Pipitea, Wellington
Three Kings - Three Kings, Auckland
Upper Hutt - Upper Hutt, Wellington
Wairau Park - Wairau Valley, Auckland
Westgate - Westgate, Auckland
Whanganui - Whanganui
Whangaparaoa - Stanmore Bay, Auckland
Whangarei - Whangarei
Wigram - Wigram, Christchurch
Willis Street - Wellington
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